About MWC

dsc_0664Hello and welcome!!

My name is Patrice and I’m the proud creator of the Mommy Wisdom Circle (MWC).

When my husband and I welcomed our son into the world six years ago, we were clueless! If there was a first time parent handbook for dummies, we would have been the ideal couple to purchase the book and to be featured in the “What NOT to do to your baby” section. All in all we tried hard, read lots of books along the way and would cuddle up to the internet during the times our son was sleeping just to get answers for our never ending parenting questions. We can say proudly that our son is ALIVE and WELL and is such a joy to watch grow.

However, when I became pregnant last year with my now two month old daughter, I felt like that 20′something new parent all over again. I found that all of the things I thought I’d learned from child number one was forgotten and I needed to get a jump start on my studying. This time around, I immersed myself in mom clubs and the company of other expecting women.

I found that simple conversations with other new moms and soon to be moms was more helpful than anything I could have retained from picking up a book or surfing the internet – and, the best part is that they weren’t going anywhere. There was no bookmarking the page or spending tons of money on books – instead, it was a casual conversation over coffee or a phone call and voila, I received answers to my questions.

Having this immediate no cost and great resource of information, I thought, “Why not organize a club where we can serve as our own parenting resources?!?!” And, from that thought, the MWC was born.

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